Friday, February 20, 2009

Am I doing the right thing?

I've been seeing this guy Michael for just a short couple of weeks. We have a great time together and we've become really good friends, all things aside.

He was with this girl in Alaska for about a year. They moved to Vegas together. He left for Afghanistan in November, she left him in December and moved back to Alaska while he was overseas. Naturally, when he came back from Afghanistan to find some of her things still in his house, it finally started to hit him that she'd left him. What sucks for him is that she won't give him a reason as to why she doesn't want to be with him. She won't give him an explanation on what went wrong or why she left him.

She has called him a few times since we've been dating because there's certain financial stuff they are working out through this break up. She called him 2 days ago and he was with me. Actually, he's been with me for like 72 hours straight, lol. Today he went home and decided to call her back to give her the information she asked him for a few days ago. She made a comment about "Well, thanks for calling me back 2 days later!" He told her the truth, that he was seeing someone else and has been spending a lot of time with me.

Now, she's pulling the whole, "I miss you, I love you, I'm starting to regret ever leaving you." bit. Of course, since the wound is still fresh, I can only imagine how much this hurts and confuses him. When he comes over tonight, I'm going to have a talk with him and tell him that I think he needs to take some time to figure out what he wants. I'm going to tell him that if he chooses to give her another chance, he deserves and explanation as to why she left him in the first place. Michael deserves to know why she chose to hurt him like this if she wants him to take her back. It's only fair. And of course, I'll continue to be his friend regardless.I don't need to be in the middle of this drama. Someone could get hurt.

So, am I doing the right thing by telling him to take some time to think about what he wants?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

One of he most incredible gifts I've ever received!

I went to breakfast with Michael this morning. He told me he had a "gift" to give me. While we were at breakfast, he says, "Alright, so before I give you your gift, I want to tell you a little history behind it."
"Okay." I agreed warily.

"When I was at war in Afghanistan, we got a chance to meet all kinds of amazing officers from different militaries all over the world. Before it was time to come home, we would all exchange gifts to remember each other by."

He continued, "So, we would exchange patches and other sentimental belongings that were important to us and tell each other, 'Here's something to remember be by.'"

"I was really good friends with this Jordanian Officer, Mohammed, who gave me a patch right off of his uniform for skydiving."

I looked at Michael with a somewhat bewildered, yet excited look.

"Well," he smiled, "I thought since you just made your 100th skydive, you deserve to have your first pair of wings."

He handed me a slightly frayed military patch with the original round parachute and wings embroidered on it! I was so taken back; I didn't know what to say!

"Are you sure?!" I asked.
"Absolutely, I want you to have it." he said.

I am so honored he would want me to have such memorable token from the war. I'll cherish it forever! I need to find a place to put it when I jump!